Clara Schmitt

Marketing Manager at Matchupbox

Clara Schmitt

Marketing Manager at Matchupbox
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Matchupbox is a French/American startup which has developed a secure and smart messaging platform around the ecosytem of personal data. This platform relies on a distributed network using our proprietary adaptation of the blockchain and proposes Pikcio, our CMR solution exploiting the strength and benefit of the network. As an Ap as a Service, Pikcio can be distributed immediately by companies to their clients without costly investments and risks associated with the collection and storage of personal data. WIth Pikcio, companies buy a CRM solution addressing the needs and constraints of the 21st century customers: ubiquity, one stop-shop, interactivity, respect of privacy, etc. Because Pikcio gives back to its users the control of its data during its searchs for products/ services and transactions with companies, we call it a Customer Managed Relationship solution.

Clara recently graduated from the SKEMA Business School with a Master in Marketing. She strongly shares MatchupBox values: mutual respect, sustainable development and business ethics. This is why she decided to be part of the MuB team. As a representative of the Millenial generation, she is convinced that reciprocal trust and respect should be the basis for any commercial relationship, especially on the internet where personal data are easily involved.

All session by Clara Schmitt