Tarmo Toikkanen


LifeLearn Platform is a fast-track growth company building a platform for learners and teachers, bridging formal, non-formal and informal learning. The approach is learner-centric, and we’ve made a pledge to build the platform adhering to MyData principles. Tarmo works as Chief Learning Scientist, making sure everything in LifeLearn is based on sound research. Tarmo’s background is in educational design research, developmental psychology and technology. He is an active contributor in Open Knowledge Finland, Creative Commons, Wikimedia Finland, Tivia, Sytyke, IT-kouluttajat, the Finnish eLearning Centre, and EduCloud Alliance.

In addition to the normal background and demographic data that any service would collect, LifeLearn Platform will collect detailed information on people’s study histories, skill profiles, social graphs, activities around learning new skills, and actual behaviour with learning content. As this data can be quite intimate and even sensitive, we see MyData as a way of building trust with our customer base: They are in control of their data and can decide who sees what, and they can change those access grants at any time, and even remove all their data from the service.

Tarmo’s presentation will revolve around why a startup would choose to make a MyData pledge, and what we hope to see in the upcoming MyData specifications, standards, and services.

All session by Tarmo Toikkanen