Day 2 – Examples, experiences and case studies!

Experiences, with real users and data: what are the challenges and success factors for individuals and organizations to engage in human-centric model for personal data?

Day 2 – Examples, experiences and case studies!

MyData 2016 is the gathering of a growing community of players, convinced that we have to build a new human-centric model for personal data. Most of us are pursuing this objective devising new services and new technologies, new trust frameworks, new use cases and new business models… But as we need visions, we also need to find ways to implement this model, and most of all, we need to share our learnings to make this happen and being adopted by individuals and organizations!

This workshop will focus on experiences, with real users and data: what are the main ways to experiment, what are the main learnings, challenges, success factors, drivers for individuals and organizations to engage in this model?

The workshop will be a discussion between all participants. Three participants will have the opportunity to feed the discussion by sharing more deeply the large-scale experiment they conducted/are conducting in their country:

  • MesInfos experiment in France. By Marine Albarede (Fing). From October 2013 to May 2014, large companies (e.g., banks, an insurance provider, a retailer, a telecommunications giant) agreed to securely, individually share with several hundred of their clients the personal data they gather about them on a daily basis. In 2016, Fing decided to do it again, but for real this time (called MesInfos Pilot): with more organizations, more testers, more services… and with no time limit.
  • My Data Store and LivLab in Italy. By Michele Vescovi (TIM – Telecom Italia). Since 2012, as part of the Mobile Territorial Lab project, TIM experimented their own Personal Data Store called My Data Store. Since 2015 it has been adopted in «LivLab»: an initiative that comprises more than 100 Coop (Coop is the largest italian supermarket chain) affiliated customers, who can use innovative services built on top of My Data Store to manage the “memory” of their shopping habits and their mobility patterns.
  • Meeco Labs. By Katryna Dow (Meeco). Experimenting a human centric personal data model directly with organizations: The Meeco Labs program provides organisations an opportunity to test hypotheses and prove business value prior to making substantial investments.

(Hosted by Manon Molins, Fing)