Day 2 – Data-empowered everyday life

Everyday life benefits and challenges of controlling one’s own data

Day 2 – Data-empowered everyday life

This session intends to look at how putting people in control of their personal data can provide them with perceptible benefits, and empower them to achieve goals that are important to them. We are looking for real-life cases/situations where data empowerment can make a big difference. Then, we’d like to discuss the conditions under which these benefits could become accessible on a very, very large scale.

Speakers and panelists

  • Maarten Leyts (Trendwolves) will share insights and a typology from a recent survey on privacy attitudes, looking at privacy as a pragmatic concern.
  • Aleksi Rossi (YLE, Finland’s public broadcaster) will shortly present YLE’s federative ID (450 thousedn registered accounts) and actions towards making it the core of user-centered personal data storage and use.
  • In the panel 3 presenters from different MyData platforms will join Maarten and Aleksi. These platforms are:, Meeco and Cozy. These 3 speakers will not give a formal presentation, nor present slides, but report on 1-2 concrete use cases and user feedbacks, that illustrate what the MyData perspective can provide to users that no other perspective can.