Day 3 – Global winds from Japan to Silicon Valley

Personal Data Ecosystems over the Pacific

Day 3 – Global winds from Japan to Silicon Valley

Technological, political, social, and business situations concerning personal data are reported and prospects thereof are discussed. Six presentations (four from Japan and two from the U.S.) are followed by half-an-hour discussion involving the audience.

Programme contributors:

Andreas Berger
Koiti Hasida (session host)
Hans-Martin Hellebrand
Naoto Ikegai
Kazushi Ishigaki
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Ryosuke Shibasaki
Kazue Sako
Akio Shimono
Hideki Sunahara

3 minutes – Koiti Hasida – Introduction.

15 minutes – Naoto Ikegai and Hiroshi Nakagawa – Institutional Issues and Pseudonymization.

Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) approved Sep. 2015 in Japan introduces Anonymized Personal Information which should be anonymized enough not to de-anonymized easily. This type of information may be freely used without the consent of data subject. Currently, pseudonymized data is not regarded as Anonymized Personal Information. Then this talk focuses on when pseudonymized personal data becomes Anonymized Personal Information in terms of frequency of how often pseudonym is updated.

15 minutes – Koiti Hasida – Decentralized PDS.

B2C services often benefit from sharing the customers’ personal data among service providers involved. For instance, PHR (personal health record) is a mechanism for such data sharing in healthcare services. A centralized management (such as MS HealthVault) of many people’s personal data for such sharing is costly, poses a huge risk of bulky information leakage, and tends to make it hard for data subjects to utilize their own data. Decentralized PDS is a tool for each individual to manage her own data and share parts of the data with others she specifies, so as to minimize the cost and risk of data management by minimizing the amount of data each manager (an individual most of the case) is in charge of. An implementation of decentralized PDS, PLR (personal life repositroy), is introduced and its actual and expected use cases are discussed.

15 minutes – Kazushi Ishigaki and Akio Shimono – A Challenge toward Social Implementation of PDS in Public domain with extension of open source software “Personium”.

The Concept of PDS is still poorly recognized in Japan. For social implementation of PDS, it is necessary to solve problems in not only technical but also economic and social aspects. In this session, we outline those problems for social implementation of PDS and describe our challenge in Public domain to solve the problems. We also explain our open source PDS named “Personium” and describe our plan to extend it for the sake of the project.

15 minutes – Ryosuke Shibasaki and Hideki Sunahara – Risk or Asset? How to change people’s recognition of personal information; Social-design approach using a metaphor of “bank”.

Among economic operators, personal information or log data of customers is now regarded as economic asset rather than source of risks, while users or subscribers are likely to recognize that personal information may threaten their privacy. Right of data portability, however, could help individuals collect data to create comprehensive information of them. It could be potentially a very valuable asset for individuals as well. Information technology that helps individuals manage and use their data in a very secure manner is now available. Advances in service technology can provide personalized services using the comprehensive personal information. Legal framework like right of data portability will be implemented in the near future. However, if people’s recognition on personal information does not change, the technologies and legal framework cannot help, and personal information will be still stored in a scattered manner by each economic operator. We may miss chances of launching new service industries that will benefit both individuals and society. We report an effort of social design to accelerate the changes of people’s recognition using a metaphor of “bank”.

15 minutes – Hans-Martin Hellebrand – Personal Data in the US: Legislation & Social Perception.

There are many different laws with regard to personal data protection and privacy in the US. Having a clear understanding of some general principles as well as current influences – both to be presented – is key when entering the US-market. In addition to legislation, the social perception of personal data business models, as conducted today, as well as the rising expectation of individuals towards personal-data-based business models builds the second pillar, when it comes to understanding the US-PI-market.

15 minutes – Andreas Berger – Silicon Valley Personal Data Based Business Models

Also Google, Facebook, Amazon and Co. are tapping into the field of personal-data-driven business models. Their visions and approaches will be presented in this talk.

27 minutes – Kazue Sako – Discussion.