Day 1- Mobility, energy and smart cities
Enabling smoother living in smarter cities by frictionless flow of data – how to avoid traditional data silos in the emerging MyData ecosystem
Citizens are creating vast amounts of personal data when using new digital services provided by public authorities and private companies in the cities. Public sector actors often play it safe and even avoid collecting data, while new disruptive startups might base their core business on the personal data of their customers, being able to create instant value and ask for consent in return.
New services around MyData are emerging for several domains – mobility, energy, waste management, sharing economy in general. For the citizen simple access to all this data would be the key for real uptake. How do we build an open, dynamic ecosystem for MyData related services and enable data portability?
Session is hosted by Pekka Koponen, Forum Virium Helsinki.
The panelists are presenting their vision of utilising MyData combined to real world learnings from running their services and initiatives. Cases are both from the public sector and the startup scene, representing viewpoints from 3 different countries.
Sami Pippuri, MaaS Global : Roaming across providers with your data? Re-thinking personal transportation
A vision as well as tangible actions in peoples’ ownership of their mobility data are presented as a base for an open ecosystem of transportation, enabled by consumer choice of their preferred vendor and data portability across providers.
Tuukka Hastrup, HSL/HRT : Enabling personalised services in public transport
MyData provides a model how a public authority can enable new kinds of personalised services. At Helsinki Region Transport HSL, this expands naturally the policy of publishing open data, open APIs and open-source code that has spurred new kinds of services and new forms of collaboration to benefit public transport passengers.
Lilli Linkola, City of Helsinki : My waste and energy data live
The behaviour and daily routines of a household in Helsinki is explored through energy and water consumption data that is tracked every minute.
Fedja Zdrnja, MPARE : HelloData use-case, multisided platform for sharing of energy data
How to facilitate sharing of personal energy data, needed for the new energy production and usage paradigm. Experiences gained through 2 years of HelloData, platform for data sharing, are presented.
Fabien Coutant, Enedis : Enedis smart meter data to empower customers in the energy transition
Enedis manages the electricity distribution network in France and in particular the metering of customers’ consumption and production. With smart meters, rich data is shared with them, enabling new energy behaviours. Through several experimentations and projects, Enedis keeps exploring how data can make the energy transition succeed.
This session explores at least these topics in the presentations and the following discussion with the audience:
– How do we build an open ecosystem where users feel they are in control of their personal data and are able to benefit from the value of it when sharing the data between different services?
– How do we ensure the portability of personal data between the data operators while keeping the users confident about preserving their privacy?
– Does understanding your everyday actions better lead to behavioral change – are people willing to give access to automated fine tuning of their everyday routines?
– What are the next steps needed to speed up the process for ensuring data portability and agreeing on common rules and standards? What is the most effective way to get the MyData business community to work on this? Are we properly organised already or should we setup a task force? What is the role of the public sector?