Storing personal data under individual’s own control is the starting point for MyData - what is the state of the art in this field of technical development?
Platforms connect two or more market sides to meaningful interaction - what is the role of "platform companies" or "ecosystem players" in the management of personal data?
Experiences, with real users and data: what are the challenges and success factors for individuals and organizations to engage in human-centric model for personal data?
Key technology related questions such as algorithmic power and data privacy, are in the margins of current media education - come share your ideas on the educational needs start the change.
Miten henkilötietoa voidaan ihmisten omalla suostumuksella nykyistä laajemmin hyödyntää digitaalisten kaupunkipalvelujen tuottamisessa ja mitä kaupunkien tulee huomioida mm. uuden EU tietosuoja-asetuksen osalta?
Matti Saastamoinen
Petteri Günther
Mika Honkanen
Saara Ryhtä
Day 3: How - “Make it happen, make it right”
Technology - Ecosystems and Data governance - Collaboration and learning from others
Information on research, such as publications, research data, research projects, impact indicators, and researchers’ personal data increases constantly. The data are managed by various local and global, public and private organisations and services.